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Functional Fitness Test

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

Maintaining adequate strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and balance is critical whether our later-life interests are playing golf, climbing mountains or performing simple everyday tasks such as climbing stairs, getting out of a chair or bathtub without assistance.

PHYSICAL FRAILTY commonly associated with aging often leaves someone vulnerable to injury, illness, and disability which could be reduced or prevented if we paid more attention to our physical activity level and fitness as we age, especially if evolving weaknesses could be detected and treated early on.

Any senior or older adult exercise program developed without this test is like ‘shooting from the hip’, you may hit or miss your target or miss your wellness/fitness goal. TIME IS VALUABLE, when older adults loses function to the point that he or she lives close to losing independence, the risk for falls and injuries increases. An exercise program that is specifically designed to target weaknesses and addresses impairments will provide best results.

The Functional Fitness Test previously called Senior Fitness Test was developed as part of the LifeSpan Wellness Program at the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton, by Dr. Roberta Rikli and Dr. Jessie Jones. The test is sometimes known as the Fullerton Functional Test is a simple, easy-to-use battery of test items that assess the functional fitness of older adults ages 60 to 94 plus. The test describes easy to understand and effective tests to measure aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, balance and agility using minimal and inexpensive equipment.

This test has been used by fitness professionals, health care professionals, physical therapists, and therapeutic recreation specialists who work with seniors and need to develop exercise intervention programs to improve functional health and fitness.

Jacqueline has been conducting the test with hundreds of seniors over the last 20 years and developed exercise programs to meet unique needs of each of those men and women. Performing functional fitness test once or twice a year and when medical status changes can help prevent loss in function and delay or slow down declines in function over a lifetime.

Functional Fitness Test At Home

We can conduct the Functional Fitness Test in the comfort and privacy in your home, additional assessments can be performed such as a Fall-Risk Screen and /or specific balance and mobility assessment. We use this information to develop and exercise prescription and design exercise programs that work.

Planning to stay independent starts with knowing your current level of fitness and function. Proper assessment can be the difference between independence and dependency.

Contact Jacqueline to schedule your in-home functional fitness test. Clients who receive virtual training can receive a modified virtual functional fitness test. Below is the demo that explains the assessments.


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